- June 13th, 2014
- The underground heated parkade structure is now complete and framing of the main floor has commenced. This photo shows one of our large 20 foot balconies. Site services including water, sewer and storm sewer are completed. Please watch out for us to reach the fourth floor in early August!!!
- May 5th, 2014
- The underground concrete parkade walls and columns are now complete. The steel beams that rest on the columns have been placed. This photo shows the main floor concrete hollowcore sitting on top of the steel and concrete walls. The framing of the first floor will commence by mid-May and we expect the building to reach the roof by end of July.
- April 7, 2014
- Piling is complete and the pile caps are fully poured. The site is humming with activity as the walls of the heated underground parking garage have started to be formed and poured as seen in the photo. About half the walls are complete now, with the rest to follow shortly. As the walls come up, two rows of columns shall be formed and poured near the middle of the garage.
- March 12, 2014
- Construction commenced in late January and the site has been excavated for the underground concrete heated parking garage. Sixteen meter long concrete piles that support the building have been driven in to the ground late February. The driven piles have been cut and concrete pile caps are being formed this week. It is expected that the pile caps will be completed next week and the walls of the parkade will start to be formed.